Thursday, February 5, 2015

Interview with Coaching Expert Nathalie Virem

Good morning Coach Frits,
Thank you for your time. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to interview you today.

How’s the weather in Utah today?

Coach Frits: “…”Too warm, we need more snow for the farmers and skiers like me

Let’s start with an introduction. Coach Frits is an incredibly wise man and a generous soul. His knowledge and wisdom are very valuable for those who want to make money, succeed and live a life that fulfills them. He has worked with companies all over the world. From large companies like Chrysler, to small businesses and startups. His Model of Learn, Do, Succeed then Teach has helped start-ups go from 0 to 1M in 7 months and clients to make 1M in just a few months. He is also the author of “Major League Selling” and “Just Give Me 5 Minutes”. He makes his self-coaching tools available freely and loves helping people to connect and collaborate.
Now here is the first question. Tell us about one of your greatest success, which is, how you made your first 1M dollars in just 30 days. Walk us through the steps you went through to achieve that.

Coach Frits: “….”I immersed myself in the endeavor, it was my sole focus for the first two weeks, in a self imposed boot camp. I hired a coach. I prepared and memorized (verbatim) a 15 minute presentation (if you don't know what you're going to say, until you say it, you'll probably say the wrong things - at least in a sales presentation. I chunked my activity, broke it down into daily targets. I made it a "must do" to be out on the streets, ready to knock on doors, at 7:30 in the morning - most importantly, I learned the new strategies of goal setting.

Wow! What is your best advice for those who want to make that kind of money that quickly?

Coach Frits: “….”Like anything else, there is great power in focus. That is something that a private coach is great for. They can help you get focused and stay focused on your stated goals.

What an incredible and inspiring story!
The second question is what are in your opinion the key ingredients to success?

Coach Frits: “….”The willingness to learn coupled with a listening spirit

Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

The next question is about your life lessons. If a kid walked up to you and asked you to tell him your life best tips, what would those be?

Coach Frits: “….I'd want an hour . But, in a nutshell
1)Get clear on what you value most (it's the old adage of defining failure as getting to the top of the ladder only to discover that it's leaning against the wrong wall).
2)Express gratitude for all you are given, even if it seems meager, for in that moment your wealth increases immediately.
3)Mentally experience your success daily - know what it looks like, feels like, sounds like, even tastes like.
4)Then, behave as if you are already there at your moment of success, Find a great coach or mentor.
5)Then get up each day, get dressed and show up. Go out, even if you don't have anywhere specific to be.
6)And lastly, learn the strategies for effective goal setting and achievement.

Beautiful! Thanks for those wide words.
Finally, the last question is what’s next for you. You have accomplished more than most humans would want to accomplish in a lifetime. What’s next now for you?

Coach Frits: “….”Wow, you're so kind to say that Nathalie. I am most driven by experiencing others' successes along with them. I'm in the process of opening up a composites plant here in my small, impoverished county, where a wage of $15/hr is considered a high paying job. My goal is to create $35 to $65/hr jobs - especially for the disenfranchised. And though I've been to almost all parts of the world, I haven't been to the Canary Islands yet.

Thank you so much for the advice you have offered to our viewers, is there anything else you would like to add?

Coach Frits: “….”I am available to talk to anyone about effective coaching that can great joy and success. I invite you to call me directly at 801-755-6823.

Thank you Coach Frits for this wonderful interview. To our viewers, you can check Coach Frits out by visiting one of his blogs such as, or linkedin. You're even invited to call him directly at 801-755-6823 to speak with him about private coaching. You can also email him directly at

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