Friday, January 6, 2012

Business Success In 5 Minutes?

The past 16 months have found me busy developing a new business for my son. That has kept me so busy that I have neglected my first love, Coaching. And it has been evidenced by my lack of new blog posts. To tell the whole story, I have been enjoying my new granddaughter, Marley, since her birth in February, 2011. It was her pending birth that motivated me to start the new business for my son, it was really for her. The new business has been a great place to apply the very business development principles that I teach my coaching clients. As most of you know, I prefer to lead by doing and succeeding. That allows me to prove the value of the principles that I have been taught and continue to pass on.

Business startup in the economy of 2010 has been challenging, but the principles that I have been taught have proven themselves to be timeless and adaptable to any economic environment. Profitability was achieved within the second month. A major change in my largest trading partner’s business model forced me start at square one again in February of 2011. Once again those principles of success proved their value as we once again achieved profitability almost immediately.

As we begin a new year we see it full of promise and the opportunity to make new choices (if we’re not getting the results that we say we would like to enjoy), or choose new outcomes for this year, or commit ourselves to the choices and activities that have produced the desired, successful, results for us.

Let’s take this new year to focus on learning and applying principles of success, as opposed to focusing on strategies. What are the principles of success?


What do you value, what is your time worth, who shares those values in the form of Co-workers, Customers, and Joint Venture Partners?


Don’t ask how you can make money; simply ask how you serve the world best. What are your unique strengths? Remember the Hippopotamus that is my corporate logo. If you don't know the story behind that choice, no worries, we'll revisit it in February.


If you don’t know what success looks like, you may just walk past it, past him or past her. When you have enjoyed complete success, where are you, what are you doing, and who are you with; both at home and at work? Can you clearly communicate that vision of success? When you can, you will attract the right components required for that success. What does success look like, feel like, sound like, taste like? Experience that success daily, internally.


If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, you can’t have more – meaning that what is the point of accomplishment or gain when it doesn’t register with you? Lack of gratitude is at the core of a scarcity mentality. Lack of gratitude focuses on what you don’t have and provides all the excuses for failure. Gratitude allows you to recognize what you already have and allows you to leverage those assets for greater achievement.


Choose to produce the results that you value. Not getting what you desire, make different choices. Don’t want to make new and different choices? Learn how to be happy with the results that you’re producing. Those two choices are the core choices of our lives.


Balance work and play, home and work, indulgence and discipline, limits and charity, effort and rest.


Keep all of your promises and make no promises that you can’t keep.


Pay attention and listen to the most important people in your life, at home, at the office and in the marketplace. Give them what is important to them, and in a way that allows them to understand that you’re giving them what they ask for.


If I say it’s going to get done I will get it done.


Don’t wait for the perfect amount of time, or the perfect set of circumstances to begin achieving your dreams. Start now, even if you only have 5 minutes, even if you only have $5, even if you only have 5 friends or 5 potential customers.


Accept what is as good and beautiful, and right for the moment, even if “what is” seems painful.


Learn to love and care for yourself as you would love and care for those most important to you. There is no integrity to beating yourself up while extending love to others. You can’t love anyone more than you love yourself. Until you can show yourself patience and acceptance, you can’t show it to anyone else, at least not to the highest levels that you are capable of.

I have not been producing all of the results that I value most; chief among them is the coaching that fulfills me.  One of the reasons that I value Coaching so much is that it allows me to revisit the principles of success that have been taught to me. And frankly, I need to hear those message more than most of you need to hear them. While it appears that I am better at applying the principles of success, it is simply a matter of the fact that I hear the messages more often than the rest of you, because I repeat them over and over again in coaching sessions with my clients, my friends. That said, I choose to post to this blog on a bi-weekly basis, and I will use these principles as my curriculum. Let me know if these posts are meaningful. In fact, take the time to post links to these blog posts on your blogs. I promise to pay attention to what you say to make these posts as productive for you as possible. Let's take our "Knowing" this year and apply in wise ways to produce much good for ourselves, our families, our friends  and our communities throughout the world.

Make this “THE BEST YEAR EVER!”™

Coach Frits

and remember... "Once a Client, always a friend!" Get in touch with me my friends, let me know what you're grateful for.

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