Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To the "Elite"

As I prepare to head for an appointment, my thoughts turn to each one of you. Actually, my thoughts have been on you for a couple of hours now. 

As all of you know, or at least most of you, I have some big physical goals to achieve. Not the least of which is the upcoming College football combine (tryouts where athletes try to outdo one another in speed, agility, and strength contests) coming up in March. 

At 53 years of age, most would tell me to not even try. To compete at the level I desire, I need to be able to sprint 40 yards in 4.5 sec (NFL top athlete speed) I need jump, vertically, at least 36 inches. And I need to bench press 250 lbs at least 25 times and squat 300 lbs at least 20 times. Accomplishing those targets, I would get recruited to the local National Championship team with a full ride. I don't want to get recruited, or get a full ride and play. Seems an almost useless goal, doesn't it? 

Most of you have heard me say. "A man without dreams is dead, a man who merely dreams is sleepwalking." So, I continue to have dreams. And those dreams change with time. I know from experience, that those dreams/goals achieved, become a good story to tell. They are nothing more than a springboard to the next achievement. What may seem an exciting goal/accomplishment today, can be a yawn tomorrow. I also make sure that I'm wide awake by pursuing my dreams with conviction, believe and action. I woke up this morning like many of you, with creaky joints that ached…lol (yep, I'm getting old). But, like most of you, I got up and engaged in the life that I envision - experience mentally, and dream of. Now, most people that I share my dreams with, laugh (at me, not with me). They think I am foolish and chasing ridiculous dreams. Much like many did when I said I was going to ride bulls. And almost everyone says, isn't it too late to start on something that ambitious? Remember that we refer to those people as "Red Lights?" They are people that try to stop us from pursuing our greatest dreams. Set personal boundaries, and don't allow the "Red Lights" to interfere with your greatest dreams. By your commitments and "tuitions," all of you tell me that you believe me to be an intelligent person.  Don't my goals seem to contradict that sentiment? 

I pursue these goals (world-class I would say) for the reasons stated above – living with my eyes wide open, fully awake, fully alive. I have one additional reason, to lead by doing. To reconfirm my commitment to the concept that "Life, and success, are as easy as we allow them to be, and as difficult as we choose to make them."

Do I achieve all of my goals with perfection (I haven't ridden a bull past 4.7 seconds – perfection is 8 seconds)? No, I have learned that perfection is my enemy – and that lesson cost me much of my youth and thousands upon thousands of dollars with great coaches. I would invest the dollars over and over again. The lost youth I regret. Yes. I've made some choices to make life more difficult as well. But the good thing is that I have achieved what seems, to many, impossible goals. So why am I sharing this with you? 

To inspire and motivate you to believe and act as follows;

1)      It's never too late – but you must get started today, even now!

2)      Make perfection your enemy. I know you're busy, (much of that can be eliminated). DO what you can, even in the smallest "chunks." For those of you with fitness goals, I have a great 5 minute workout that will produce the result you're looking for. If you'd like a copy of it, (it's free), just ask and I'll email it to you.

3)      Accept the fact that life is about choices, live with the results produced by your choices. Either stop wanting more, or change what you're doing so that you get more. Start making life easier, and let go of regret and guilt. Live life as a conscious adult, making conscious choices. There was a time when letting life happen as it would, served us. That was when we were children. But even then, we intuitively understood that we didn't need to experience regret and guilt. Don't misunderstand me; we need to take responsibility for our choices. But look up responsibility and guilt, and you'll see the difference betweens those two words.

4)      Don't ask how you can make money; ask how you serve the world best (the Dharmic question). I serve best by Coaching. Because I found that answer to the question, my life has been full of worldwide experience and achievement. I enjoyed the life of a wealthy man long before I generated my first million. And I have continued to enjoy a remarkable life, by making a conscious choice to lead by doing. Do you know how rich my life has been because of leading by doing? You have all of the same abilities and opportunities.

5)      Accept your current condition and take advantage of all the resources available to you. You don't need an Olympic training center to be an Olympian. Look at the legendary bodybuilder, Larry Scott (Mr. America-1962, Mr. Universe-1964, and the first Mr. Olympia-1965 and 1966). It was said of him, "Scott is said to have possessed little apparent genetic potential when he started training with weights in 1956, his narrow shoulders having been a particular weak spot."  An interesting note is that Larry, a poor Idaho farm boy, didn't have a world-class gym available, and he couldn't afford expensive weights and such. In "Lil' Abner" like fashion , he would work out with car axles as barbells (that didn't allow for easy weight changes…lol). Don't have a million dollars; start with the $10,000 that you do have. Don't have $10,000, start with what you have.

6)      Take advantage of the concept of collaboration by using either the strategy of Joint Ventures (go to to see the possibility, and make sure I include you in the "possible Joint Venture Partners section," just put your name on a list of possible Junto Partners by emailing me with that request), or the strategy of Mastermind Groups ( I can help you set up a group if you don't feel like you have others that would make good Junto (Ben Franklin's name for a Mastermind group – you can go to to pick up a free copy of Franklin's Autobiography, don't pay for a copy, it's in the public domain). I've attached a small guide for Masterminding. THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE IN GROUPS NOW, THIS IS NOT AN INDULGENCE OR A LUXURY. THIS IS A FUNDEMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF SUCCESS. IF YOU HAVEN'T HELD YOUR MASTERMIND MEETING YET THIS WEEK, DO IT TODAY/TONIGHT, OR THURSDAY AT THE LATEST. DO IT NOW. I'LL ASK YOU ABOUT IT ON FRIDAY. IF I DON'T SEE YOU IN YOUR COACHING SESSION, I'LL EMAIL AND ASK YOU ABOUT IT (AND YES, THIS MAY BE CONSTRUED AS "CYBER-SHOUTING," IT'S THAT VALUABLE AND IMPORTANT).

7)      Know, without a doubt, that I care about your success. I care enough to invest my time, with you, thinking about to best help you to succeed when I'm not "with you," and openly and freely sharing the success principles and strategies that I've been taught and experienced and know to be true. It has brought me great success, that's my an ulterior motive. What goes around really does "come around." A simple principle of success. Take advantage of this principle and share this email with the people who are most important to you. Your families, best friends and most valued business associates. 

Whoops, there goes the meeting reminder alarm. As Napoleon Dynamite's brother, Kip, would say "Peace, I'm out," and I'm off to my appointment and a great day. Here's hoping you're off to a great day and an easy life/success as well. It's your choice. 


Your friend,

Coach Frits

Just Give Me 5 Minutes Coaching - For Busy Executives and Business Owners

*NOTE - The Joint Venture PDF that I've attached comes from a great new book written by my friend. If you'd like the entire book of 12 vital strategies, order it from me. The full retail price of the book in hardcover is $24.97. The 4-CD Audio Book version is $37.00.

Together, that's a $61.97 value!

But when you order the combination set, you get them both for just $47!  That's 25%--a savings of nearly $15.00!

Or, you can enroll in the Marketing Wizard's Alliance (FREE for the first 90 days, then $97 a month thereafter; you can cancel anytime), 3 FREE consultations with a PCM Coach, FREE monthly call-in days, and 6 FREE at-large critique certificates. I know that if you're not 100% satisfied, you can return the materials at any time within the first 90 days and get a complete, no-hassle refund.

Or you can enroll in my Recession Mini Marketing Coaching for $489. As always, as a matter of integrity and "practicing what I preach,"I offer Joint Venturing to you as well. I know you appreciate what I do for you, but there's no reason that you can't make this a Profit Center for your business as well

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